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How to Find a Home in Georgia’s Best School Districts



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Who wants to find a home in Georgia’s best school districts?

It should come as no surprise that home buyers consider school districts one of the biggest factors when deciding where to purchase.  While the majority of buyers that place a high value on good schools are parents with children under 18; shrewd buyers who do not fall into this demographic can realize significant financial benefits as well. 

That being the case, where do you start your search?  Many home buyers find information on the top school rating sites to be difficult to find, hard to compare, contradictory in many cases, outdated, or costly.  Fear not, though, as the information you’re seeking can be easy to find, simple to compare, and free.  Keep reading below to see how to find a home in Georgia’s best school districts

Georgia College and Career Ready Performance Index

The first source of information we’re going to look at is the Georgia Department of Education’s (GaDOE) College and Career Ready Performance Index.  We’re starting with this source because it is not only a great comprehensive measure of school performance, but it has a searchable and sortable database of scores you can download.  This is an excellent feature for home buyers who do not already have a list of potential school districts in which they may be interested.  Users can filter by particular school districts, then sort the list by the aggregate score, or focus on a particular measure that’s most important to them. 

Governor’s Office of Student Achievement Report Cards

Which Schools Make the Grade?

Which Schools Make the Grade?

Each year, the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) puts out it’s annual Report Card searchable by school and district.  GOSA states that the purpose of these reports is to “provide educators, parents, students, and all stakeholders with valuable information and challenge communities to improve education for all of Georgia’s children.” You will find data on student performance, graduation rates, standardized test scores, and numerous other metrics.

While these reports are easy to search and can provide home buyers with invaluable information; it is easiest to navigate when you have already narrowed down a list of school districts you’re interested in.  Now that you’ve found the school district that’s right for you, all you need to do is find your dream home.


Zingleman Realty’s Homes For Sale In Georgia’s Best School Districts

Graduates celebrate by throwing capsWe’ve saved the best option for last.  Zingleman Realty has done the leg work for you and compiled a list of the best schools in each of the major north Metro Atlanta counties.  We’ve taken it a step further and provided a link to homes currently available in each of those school districts.  The list is updated periodically, normally after GOSA and GaDOE update their rankings to keep it up to date.  Home buyers may want to do a little more research into these schools in both the Governor’s Report Card and GaDOE’s CCRPI for more information on why these are the best schools; but it’s a great starting point. 



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